Monday 30 March 2015

No more off-road

Am a bit sad because had to cancel Race the Train and I can't do the Sandstone Ultra or Trail Wales Half. It's just too hard.  I know it's supposed to be hard but I think I need to accept my limitations and not do anymore long trail races. Running down a windy path when my eyes wouldn't focus was a bit terrifying and that was a good day.  On a bad day, if I can't talk, I can't move my arm or my vision goes in one eye I can push myself through it in a road race.  It's just like that last mile of a very hard race where you focus on nothing else but the finish line.  I can't get that type of focus on uneven ground  because I'm too busy trying to adjust for what my feet are doing and my brain can't keep up.  It sucks to be defeated.

I always have to find a positive.  I lose three races off this year's list which means I can add some.  Have signed up for Milton Keynes half and Liverpool Spring 10k.  Will add parkrun and do my own mini Dopey - 5k, 10k and a half marathon back to back.  If I get into Dopey it will be good practice and if I don't get in then this is the closest I can get.

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