Medical Update: Not been a good week really. Had two days where i couldn't talk. The first one sucked because couldn't walk much either and brain went kaput but second day scared me more. The muscle freeze moved to my throat, was really strange because i couldn't talk but it was different to normal.
When I can't speak it's like a brain freeze, like that moment you have sometimes where you forgot how to tie your laces for a second or can't remember which hand your knife and fork go in because you've you've been doing it on instinct for so long but for some reason it's not kicked in this time. That's what it is like when I can't move or talk, my body has forgotten how to do it and my brain has forgotten how to tell it but it's for minutes or hours rather than a flash. The muscle freezing is different, my muscles go rock solid and it's generally always in my shoulders but i have it it in my back, neck and upper arms before. On Tuesday I got it in my throat which was a very strange experience. It was like being out of breath and could only talk in whispers, like having an asthma attack without the actual attack. Couldn't run for two days which was annoying.
Thought I'd done well not to have any tremors this week though but they kicked in yesterday during the track warmup. Had to do most laps with one stuck stiff are and one floppy arm but managed to run though it, love track too much to let it bother me.
If anyone actually reads this, I'm not moaning. I'm very lucky and I love my life.
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