Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Exclusive - Liverpool Rock n Roll Expo Schedule

Exciting stuff, just got the schedule of what's on at the Expo in Liverpool this weekend.  I'll be doing a live blog from from the Running and Endurance Show (It's fancy name) from 1pm on Friday.  I'm going to actually charge my phone and everything this time because the line up looks pretty great.  Those who read my blog or know me will be pretty shocked to hear that I've actually heard of one of the speakers, George Melichar.  I think this man embodies the idea that running is and should be for everyone regardless of what pace you run at and you don't need to like like Mo Farrah or Paula Radcliffe (Not that I know what either of them look like) to consider yourself a sports person.  I can't help but just love people who love running and racing.  He seems crazy in a good way and so I'm really looking forward to what he has to say.

After George is our very own Rob Griffith.  He's quite the quick come back king on RDB so I think this should be quite amusing to watch assuming any that any of you RDB folk are brave enough to stick your hands up.  If anyone wants me to ask a question on their behalf let me know and I'll pass back the answer for you. I know he likes to talk about his beard a lot.  It might also be interesting to find out his take on why he thinks the race series attracts so many volunteers or if you want to go a bit more controversial you could bring up the latest lawsuit in the US were race volunteers are demanding to be paid.

I had to google Geoff Smith I'll admit.  The marathon runner who was a member of Southport Harriers and Liverpool Harriers has won Boston Marathon twice, in 1984 (by four minutes!) and 1985 (when they still wore those tiny tiny shorts on the Whitley 10k medal?) and he has represented Great Britain at the Olympics twice and came second in the New York marathon.  He's still a regular at Boston, doing interviews and commentary.  I watched a great interview with him about leaving nothing on the table and the importance of training (I'm not likeing the sound of the Heartbreak Hill but there's like no chance of me every getting to run Boston so I don't think I need to worry about it).  There are no bib collections on Sunday.

Both men are going to be at the final social run tomorrow.

The route talk through at 5:30 also sounds pretty interesting and then you can listen to fellow pacer Gary Nixon.  Most of the line up is repeated on Saturday with a few added extras including a nutrition talk from High 5 and me and some of the other pacers at 2:30 in our lovely red CEP pacer kit.  You can also collect your t-shirt from the expo too, which saves having to wait in the lines on Sunday, as well as collect the 5k/Mile bibs and any half/full bibs that weren't posted.  You'll need your half/full bib with you to collect your t-shirt.  If you can't make it to the expo on Friday you can also pick up your 5k number before the race from 7am.  You need to remember the confirmation sheet and photo ID to collect your number.

Location: ACC Convention Centre, Kings Dock, Liverpool Waterfront L3 4FP
Opening Times
Friday 12th June: Afternoon,  13:00 – 20:00     1pm-8pm
Saturday 13th June: All Day,     9:00 – 17:00      9am-5pm

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