Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Random: Am very lucky to have two homes. There aren't enough words to describe how amazing my two housemates are, they're simply the best (Tina Turner) and i would never have gotten through the last three months being positive without either of them.  However, during the day it's Charlie, Lola and Gizmo that keep me sane.  So, i say in the battle of cats v dogs, why choose.  They're actually pretty similar.

        Cats                                                                                  Dogs

Lola is scared of everything.                                              Gizmo is scared of everything.
Seriously mean everything!                                                Seriously mean everything.

When Lola is scared she runs away                                   When Gizmo is scared he barks 
and meows a lot.                                                                and attacks (Even tape measures)

Charlie and Lola sleep on my legs.                                     Gizmo steals half the bed.

Charlie and Lola do sad eyes to get your                            Gizmo sits still and behaves to get
your dinner.                                                                         your dinner.

Charlie puts mud all over the bed.                                       Gizmo puts mud all over the bed.

Spend most of your day figuring out what                           Spend most of your day telling Giz
to food Lola wants.                                                              to be quiet.

Charlie tries to scratch your leg.                                         Giz tries to hump your leg.

Like toys that make noises.                                                 Likes toys that make noises.

Are very insistent when they want to play.                          Is very insistent when he wants to

Have claws (and uses).                                                      Has bark (and uses)

Charlie and Lola sleep with their arms                                 Giz gives you nudges and lets you
around each other.                                                              carry him around all the time.

Think they own the house.                                                 Thinks he owns the house.

Lola gets annoyed if i leave stuff                                       Gizmo gets annoyed if i leave stuff
in her bedroom.                                                                 on his sofa.

Charlie don't care what destruction                                   Gizmo don't care that he runs
he causes by running around.                                           around and causes destruction.

1 comment:

  1. Dogs coz Gizmo doesn't maim you like cats claws.... also im not as allergic to gizmo as i am cats :) Dogs are always retardedly happy to see you, cats will come and say hello but wont get super giddy. You can train a dog much better than a cat.
