Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Tour of Merseyside - Day #3 Sustrans Cycle Trail

Image owned by Mark Humphreys-Green
Well, we've official half way, both in miles and days.  29(.1) miles are done and there's only 23 miles to go.  I had a little cheer when we got the the half way point at mile 7 today.  Some people thought I was a it nuts but if I always get a lot more enthusiastic about running when I'm past half way, my last half of the race is always better than my first.

Today the lovely Stephen and Dennis gave me lifts again, thank you very much guys.  I love the atmosphere at the start of every TOM race.  Even the people who are suffering are still really happy and it's so nice to see the same bunch of smiling faces every day.  There's a mix of apprehension and excitement in the air.  It's like a normal race times a million because you all raced together the day before, and the day before that.  It's nice.

Sustrans Cycle Trail 10 mile route
Tonight's race is a 10 miler with a route that is really great for those that struggle with maths.  You start in the middle, run 2.5 miles in one direction, run back, then 2.5 miles in the other direction and run back and you're done, easy right.  The route goes up and down the Stustrans Cycle Trail, starting near Walton Hall Park.  The route is pretty nice although is is not as pancake flat as some would have you believe, there a few few little hills and a bit of a steep incline at one point but you get to come down it on the way back.  There was water stations at the end and in the middle which was great because it was quite a warm, muggy day.  The course is perfect for a Tourist race because you pretty much go past every runner twice.  It gives you lots of opportunity to cheer each other one and get to watch what is going on in the race whilst you run it.  I think it's my favourite course so far just for that reason.

Sustrans Cycle Trail 10 mile elevation

Stan, who ran with me at Tunnel 10k after the tunnel made me ill, warned me that we had to go through some tunnels today.  I was a little bit worried but my plan was to just stick with Stan.  We ended up crating a nice little group with Jo and Jon too.  I struggled for pretty much the whole first half.  My shin really hurt and my legs felt like led and were really starting to feel the effect of racing every day. It wasn't quite as bad as how I felt at Milton Keynes half after I'd done the 5k and 10k in the days before and I'd actually done more mileage in the previous two days this time so I guess I'm getting used to running on tired legs but it still hurt a lot.  Towrds the end of the first have it started getting a lot easier and we made it back past the start ages before the front runners went past (Which was what Stan was aiming for).   It took me a while to figure out the sums (I'm a bit slow) but I figured out that by the time we reached the 7 mile marker we were halfway through the 52 miles of the tour.  I got quite excited at this point, probaly a bit too much.  I probably could have sprinted the way back with giddyness but instead I just annoyed everyone around me, including myself.  I shut up for the last mile (I was still giddy in my head) and we all crossed the finish line together.  I wanted to be around 2 hours and we were actually 1:42:11.

I have to say a big thank you to Stan.  He literally guided me through the tunnel both times and was still putting everyone else first even when he was really struggling.  The spectators were also awesome too, even the teenagers who you can never tell whether they're being sarcastic or not, at this point I'll take it all.  I had to run off straight after the race but am hoping I can stay longer for the next few.

Next race: Hale 5 miler after a rest day tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to this one because I did the same race earlier in the year and it was great.  Plus it's fancy dress.  Did I mention it's fancy dress?  It's fancy dress!!

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