Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Tour & Dopey Training

Today I will mostly be sitting on the sofa doing nothing because I feel like I ran a marathon after doing three races back to back.  The funny thing is that in 9 months I'll have to do exactly the same thing again with a marathon at the end.  I'm terrified just thinking about it but hopefully the training between now and then will make it easier.  I probably ran the 5k too fast too.  Even though I ran the 10k the next day pretty easy I could still feel the 5k at the start of the half two days later I think.  I really struggled during the half (At least I can take some comfort in the fact that it was a hard and hilly course whilst Disney is flat with lots of things to look at and a castle to run through) and when I started my legs felt like they were going to fall off but I managed to run the whole thing except for one toilet break and a couple of seconds when I almost gave in.  Hopefully this means that my plan to run the whole of Dopey is not too unrealistic.  I'd like to run the whole of the tour too but I've heard that there's a really bad hill in the second race that I might have to walk.

So it took me 3 hours 26 minutes and 15 seconds to complete all three races.  Assuming I have to slow the 5k down a little and estimating 5 hours for the marathon would mean that I would complete Dopey in 8 and a half hours.  Based on last year's results this would place me around 1,300th out of 6,397 finishes which would put me in the top 20% of all finishes. 

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